Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Daftar Pilihan Nama Untuk Bayi Berasal Dari Bahasa Yunani

NamaArtiLaki-laki, Perempuan
Acaciaberduri, naif, thorny, naiveP
Acanthaberduri, thornyP
Achilleskekuatan, strengthL
Adielperhiasan Tuhan
Adonisgagah, tampanL
Agatebaik hati, kind
Agathabaik, bagus, goodP
Aggiedari agatha, baik, form of agatha - goodP
Agnessuci, chasteP
Airliasangat halus, etherealP
Alcanderkuat, strongL
Alcinaberpemikiran kuat, strong-mindedP
Alekapelindung masyarakat, form of alexander - defender of mankindP
Alenayang cemerlang, form of helen - bright oneP
Aletheakebenaran, truthP
Alexpenolong dan pelindung masyarakat, form of alexander - helper and defender of mankindL
Alexapenolong dan pelindung masyarakat, form of alexander - helper and defender of mankindP
Alexanderpenolong dan pelindung masyarakat, helper and defender of mankindL
Alexandrapenolong dan pelindung masyarakat, form of alexander - helper and defender of mankindP
Alexandriapenolong dan pelindung masyarakat, form of alexander - helper and defender of mankindP
Alexandrinapenolong dan pelindung masyarakat, form of alexander - helper and defender of mankindP
Alexispenolong dan pelindung masyarakat, form of alexander - helper and defender of mankind
Aliciajujur, honestP
Altairbintang, star
Altheasehat, bermanfaat, wholesomeP
Alvayang berkulit putih; putih; jujur
Alysaputeri, princessP
Alyssalogis, berpikir logis, logicalP
Amaryllisnama jenis bunga, species of flowerP
Andriesgagah, berani, jantan, manlyL
Andygagah, berani, jantan, form of andrew - manlyL
Anieligagah, berani, jantan, manlyL
Ankergagah, berani, jantan, manlyL
Annissuci, murni. dari kata agnes, form of agnes - chasteP
Aureangin sepoi-sepoi, breeze, soft airP
Barborang asing, form of barbara - foreigner, strangerP
Barbaraorang asing, foreigner, strangerP
Bashaorang asing, the strangerP
Basiliaratu agungP
Bastiaanyang patut dimuliakan, venerable
Belenanak panah, an arrowP
Bellancabenteng, stronghold
Berlymutiara hijau lautanP
Bernicemembawa kemenangan, brings victoryP
Bobbiorang asing yang misterius
Briannekuat, form of brian - strongP
Caitlynbersih, murni, form of catherine - pureP
Calandrariang gembira, senang berkelakar, larkP
Calanthakumpulan bunga mekar yang cantik, beautiful blossomsP
Calistayang tercantik, most beautifulP
Callacantik, indah, beautyP
Calliacantik, indah, beautifulP
Callidorapemberian yang cantik, gift of beautyP
Calliopesuara yang bagus, indah, beautiful voiceP
Callystakecantikan yang luar biasaP
Calypsoseseorang yang menyembunyikan sesuatu, one who concealsP
Candicebersinar, memancarkan cahaya, form of candace - glowingP
Cassiajuara, champion
Castakemurnian, kesucian, purityP
Catherinebersih, murni, pureP
Cathybersih, murni, form of catherine - pureP
Celandineburung layang-layang, the swallowP
Chameronsemangat bergembira
Charemonsemangat bergembiraL
Charissaanggun, lemah gemulai, graceP
Cheriseanggun, lemah gemulai, graceP
Chloeberkembang, mekar, blooming
Cindybulan, form of cynthia - moonP
Claracerah, terang, bersih, bright, clearP
Clearestapuncak kemuliaanL
Cleomenyambut dengan gembira, to praise, acclaimP
Cleodorahadiah yang indah
Cleonimanama yang jayaP
Cleopatradari ayah yang ternama
Cliantabunga kemenanganP
Clianthabunga kemuliaan, flower of gloryP
Cliorenungan sejarah, muse of historyP
Clytemelihat matahari
Colevictory of the people
Colettevictory of the peopleP
Colinpemenang, victorL
Colleykemenangan rakyat
Conwayhound of the plainL
Corafilled heartP
Corinseorang gadis/perawan, a maidenP
Corineform of corinne - maidenP
Corinnagadis, perawan, maidenP
Corinnegadis, perawan, maidenP
Cosimaalam semesta, harmoni, universe, harmonyP
Cottinamahkota bungaP
Cressidaemas, goldP
Crystalsesuatu yang cemerlang, kaca yang bening, a clear, brilliant glass
Cyndiform of cynthia - moonP
Cynthiabulan, moonP
Cyranofrom cyreneL
Cyrillordly, proudL
Damalisone who gentlesL
Damaragadisyang cantikP
Damarissweet heiferP
Damonteguh, tetap, constantL
Danaeartis yang gemerlap
Daphnelaurel treeP
Dashaanugerah Tuhan, gift of god
Deaconservant, messengerL
Deianirawife of herculesP
Delbinlumba-lumba, nama bunga, dolphin, flower name
Deliavisible from delosP
Demasorang yang populerL
Demetriapenutup bumiP
Demitrikekasih alam
Demitriuslover of the earthL
Denisform of dennis - of dionysiusL
Deniseof dionysiusP
Dennispecinta minuman
Desdemonaill-fated oneP
Dianthedivine flowerP
Dionnedivine queenP
Dmitriform of demitrius - lover of the earthL
Dollydivine giftP
Doraanugerah, hadiah, pemberian, giftP
Dorcasa gazelle
Doresebuah anugerah, sebuah pemberian, a giftP
Doriaform of dore - a giftP
Dorianform of dore - a giftL
Doriswealth of the seaP
Dorotheaform of dorothy - a gift of godP
Dorothysebuah anugerah dari Tuhan, a gift of godP
Dymasfather of hecateL
Dynakuat, powerful
Echoa nymph; repeated voiceP
Effiemelodious talkP
Eileenform of evelyn - lively, pleasantP
Eirenedamai, tentram, peaceP
Electracerah, cemerlang, brightP
Elenaform of eleanor - lightP
Eliasform of elijah - lord is my godL
Elieform of eleanor - lightP
Elinabersih, murni, pureP
Elissaqueen of carthageP
Ellenform of eleanor. lightP
Ellieform of eleanor. lightP
Elodiemarshy, white blossomP
Elysiadari surgaP
Emogeneanak tercintaL
Ennisshort for dennisL
Eranthebunga musim semi, spring flowerP
Erasmusto loveL
Eratusyang terkasihL
Erianthesweet as many flowersP
Eudociaterhormat,terpandang, esteemedP
Eudorapemberian yang tak terbatas, gift without limitsP
Eugenelahir dengan baik, well-bornL
Eugenialahir dengan baik, well-bornP
Eulaliafair of speechP
Eulaliefair of speechP
Eunicegood or noble victoryP
Evadinefrom greek mythology
Evadnea water-nymphP
Evanderpendiri kota roma, penguasa dermawan, early founder of rome, benevolent rulerL
Evangelineseperti malaikat, like an angelP
Evanthebunga yang indahP
Evgeneketurunan bangsawan
Fedorapemberian TuhanP
Feodoraanugerah TuhanP
Ferna fern plant or see ferdinandP
Forbesmakmur, prosperousL
Gaiabumi, earthP
Galenapenyembuh penyakitP
Gelasiapredisposed to laughterP
Geneketurunan bangsawanL
Georgea tiller of the soil or a farmerL
Georgettefem. form of george - a farmerP
Georgiafem. form of george - a farmerP
Georginafem. form of george - a farmerP
Gilshort for names beginning with gilL
Gilespelindung, tameng, shieldL
Greerwatchful, guardianP
Gregorang yang selalu waspada
Greggform of gregory. watchmanL
Gregoryorang yang selalu waspada
Gretaform of margaret. child of lightP
Haideesederhana, modestP
Halliethinking of the seaP
Harmonycampuran yang indah/cantik, a beautiful blendingP
Hedonacahaya yang terangL
Helenyang cemerlang, bright oneP
Helenaform of helen. bright oneP
Heleneform of helen. bright oneP
Heloniabunga bakungP
Heraqueen of heavenP
Hermespembawa pesanL
Hesperbintang petang/sore, evening starP
Homerjanji, promiseL
Hyacinthbunga yang aromatik, bunga sejenis enceng gondok, hyacinth flowerP
Hypatiayang tertinggi, highestP
Iantheviolet-colored flowerP
Idaliafrom ida and leeP
Iggyform of iggi. only sonL
Inezsuci, murni. dari kata agnes, form of agnes. chasteP
Iolaviolet-colored dawnP
Ionanama bunga, flower nameP
Irenedamai, tentram, peaceP
Iristhe rainbowP
Isauraudara yang sejukP
Ivyivy plantP
Jacindacantik dan menarikP
Jacintaungu, lembayung, purpleP
Jacinthetumbuhan dengan bunga yang aromatik, sejenis enceng gondok, hyacinthP
Jasonpenyembuh, healer
Jeromeof holy nameL
Jocastariang, gembira, cheerfulP
Jorgeform of george. a tiller of the soil or a farmer
Jorgenpetani, farmerL
Kaethebersih, murni, pureP
Kaitlinbersih, murni, pureP
Kaitlynbersih, murni, pure
Kalonicebeauty's victoryP
Kalycakuncup bunga mawarP
Karanbersih, murni, pureP
Karenbersih, murni, pureP
Karisanggun, lemah gemulai, grace
Karlform of charles. man, strongL
Karstenkristen, kristiani, christianL
Kasenbersih, murni, pure
Kassiabersih, murni, pureP
Kateform of catherine. pureP
Katelinform of katelyn. from katherine and lynnP
Katelynfrom katherine and lynnP
Katharineform of katherine. pure, virginalP
Katherinebersih, murni, perawan, pure, virginal
Kathleenfrom katherine and lynnP
Kathrynyang tercinta, yang tersayang, belovedP
Katieform of katherine. pure, virginal
Katjabersih, murni, pureP
Katrinaform of katherine. pure, virginalP
Kayform of katherine. pure, virginal
Kaylabersih, murni, pure
Kayleefrom kay and lee
Kirstenkristen, kristiani, christianP
Kittylittle cat, or see catherineP
Kolinabersih, murni, pureP
Korengadis, perawan, maidenP
Krischankristen, kristiani, christian
Kristaform of kristen. follower of christP
Kristinform of kristen. follower of christP
Kristinaform of kristen. follower of christP
Laceyform of larissa. name of a city, mythical womanP
Lacieriang, gembira, cheerfulP
Lacyform of larissa. name of a city, mythical womanP
Leanderorang yang berani atau manusia singa , brave man or lion manL
Ledaspartan queenP
Lenacahaya, sinar, terang, ringan, lightP
Lenoreform of leona. like a lionP
Leolaform of leona. like a lionP
Leoniesinga betina, lionessP
Leonoraform of leona. like a lionP
Leoracahaya, sinar, terang, ringan, light
Lidadicintai oleh semua , beloved by allP
Lilahform of lilac. bluishP
Lilliform of lillian. lilyP
Lilyform of lillian. lilyP
Linusflaxen coloredL
Litsaone who brings good news
Loisbattle maidenP
Lotusseperti mimpi, bunga lotus , dreamlike, lotus flowerP
Lydiaform lydia, beautyP
Lyrisplayer of the lyreP
Lysandraemansipasi, pembebasan, emancipationP
Macariaputeri hercules dan deianara , daughter of Hercules and DeianaraP
Macklinsi rambut merah
Madgeform of margaret. child of lightP
Maggieform of margaret. child of lightP
Maisiemutiara, pearlP
Malindaseorang yang lemah lembut, gentle oneP
Margaritaform of margaret. child of lightP
Margotform of margaret. child of lightP
Nanimempesona, charming
Nellcahaya, sinar, terang, ringan, light
Neolamuda, youthfulP
Neomabulan baru, new moonP
Neonabulan baru, new moonP
Nerinea nereid, one from the seaP
Nessasuci, murni. dari kata agnes, form of agnes. chasteP
Neysabersih, murni, pureP
Nicholasvictory of the people
Niciatentara yang berjaya, victorious army
Nickform of nicholas. victory of the peopleL
Nicolafem. form of nicholasP
Nicolevictory of the people
Nikakemenangan, kejayaan, victoryL
Nikkiform of nicole. victory of the people
Nikolosorang yang berjaya, victorious peopleL
Niobetanaman pakis, tanaman paku, fern
Noreendiminutive of noraP
Margueriteform of margaret. child of lightP
Marjorieform of margaret. child of lightP
Mauricemoor, dark skinnedL
Megmutiara, pearlP
Meghansebuah mutiara, a pearlP
Melanieberpakaian gelap, dark-clothedP
Melanthabunga gelap, dark flowerP
Melindalemah lembut, gelap, gentle, darkP
Melissalebah, bee
Miloform of miles. soldierL
Moriapilihan tuhamL
Mylesinventor of the corn millL
Myrtlethe tree/victoryP
Naiamengalir, flowing
Nysathe goalP
Nyssapermulaan , beginningP
Nyxmalam, nightP
Obeliapillar of strengthP
Oceanalautan, samudera, oceanP
Odelekaya, wealthyP
Odessasebuah perjalanan yang jauh, a long journeyP
Oliviaolive tree
Oriafrom the orientP
Orionson of fire, the hunterL
Orlinberkilau keemasanP
Otisone who hears wellL
Pagemuda atau asisten, young or assistant
Pamelasemua madu , all honeyP
Apollinecahaya matahari, keramahan, kekuatan, sunshine, warmth, and strength
Aramintaharum seperti bungaL
Ardineia yang dilindungi
Aretagadis yang bijakP
Arethayang terbaik, bestP
Aretinaberbudi luhur, berbudi tinggi, virtuousP
Arguswaspada, hati-hati, watchfulL
Argyaair suci
Argyantodalam kesucian
Argyonobertubuh suci
Arionpemusik, musician
Aristoyang terbaik, best
Arsenkuat, strongL
Arseniogagah, berani, jantan, manly, virileL
Asiatimur, eastP
Aspasiadisambut dengan senang hati, welcomedP
Astabintang, starP
Astraseperti bintang, like a starP
Pandoratalented, having everythingP
Paulosform of paulL
Pederbatu, stoneL
Pegeensebuah mutiara, a pearl
Peggyform of margaret. child of lightP
Pelagiafrom the seaP
Pennyform of penelope. weaverP
Pentheafifth, mournerP
Peonynama bunga, flower nameP
Perrinform of perry. pear treeL
Persiswoman from persiaP
Peteform of peter. a rockL
Petersebuah batu , a rockL
Petrabatu, stoneP
Phedracerah, cemerlang, brightP
Philform of phillip. lovingL
Philanalover of mankindP
Philiplover of horsesL
Philomenalover of the moonP
Phoebeshining, brilliantP
Phoenixungu, lembayung, purple
Phyliciaform of felicia. happyP
Phyllissebuah daun, a leafP
Pierceform of peterL
Pierretteform of pierre. see peterP
Psychethe soulP
Renadamai, tentram, peaceP
Rhodantheflower of the rose bushP
Ritafrom margaritaP
Rufinaberambut merah, red-hairedP
Sabawoman of shebaP
Sachielmalaikat, angel of water
Sandrapenolong dan pelindung masyarakat, form of alexander. helper and defender of mankindP
Sandrinepenolong dan pelindung masyarakat, helper and defender of mankind
Sandypenolong dan pelindung masyarakat, form of alexander. helper and defender of mankind
Sapphirefrom the gemP
Saundersson of alexanderL
Sebastenvenerable, reveredL
Sebastienvenerable, reveredL
Selenefrom selenaP
Selinalunar glowP
Semadivine omen
Sofikebijaksanaan, kearifan, wisdom
Soniakebijaksanaan, kearifan, wisdomP
Sonyaform of sonia. wisdomP
Sophiaform of sophie. wisdom
Sophiekebijaksanaan, kearifan, wisdomP
Soteriospenyelamat, saviorL
Staceyform of anastasia. resurrection
Staciaone who shall rise again
Stacyform of anastasia. resurrection
Stefanform of steven. crownL
Stefaniamahkota, crownP
Steffiform of steven. crownP
Stellasebuah bintang, a starP
Stephanform of steven. crownL
Stephaniemahkota, crown
Stephenmahkota, crownL
Stephenieform of steven. crownP
Steveform of steven. crownL
Stevenmahkota, crown
Stevieform of steven. crown
Sybilform of isabelP
Synatwo togetherP
Taliaberkembang, mekar, bloomingP
Talosgiant protector of minos islandL
Tanyamatahari, sunP
Tarynfem. form of tyroneP
Tedform of theodore. divine giftL
Tekladivine fame
Tellypet form of theodoreL
Terentiapenjaga, pengawal, guardianP
Tessto reapP
Thaddeusanugerah Tuhan, gift of godL
Thadeaberani, bernyali besar, courageousP
Thaisthe bondP
Thalassafrom the sea
Thaliajoyful, bloomingP
Thanosmulia, nobleL
Thekladivine fameP
Theodorafrom theodoreP
Theodoredivine giftL
Theodosiaanugerah Tuhan, gift of godP
Theonaanugerah TuhanP
Therathe unmastered, wildP
Theresafeminine form of terenceP
Thereseform of theresa. feminine form of terenceP
Theronpemburu, hunterL
Tiaputeri, princessP
Tibaltpeople's princeL
Tienettecrowned with laurel
Timandraputeri pahlawan tyndareus , daughter of hero tyndareusP
Tobiasorang yg menyembah Tuhan; kebaikan Tuhan
Tobyorang yg menyembah Tuhan; kebaikan Tuhan
Tomform of thomas. a twinL
Tommyform of thomas. a twinL
Traceyberani, brave
Tracyfrom thera
Tyroneland of owen, young soldierL
Ulyssespintar dan berani
Uraniaheavenly, muse of astronomyP
Urianathe unknownP
Vanessakupu-kupu, butterfly
Voletaveiled oneP
Xanthekuning keemasan, golden yellowP
Xanthuskuning, yellowL
Xenawelcome guestP
Xyliawood dwellerP
Xylonadari hutan , from the forestP
Zandrapenolong dan pelindung masyarakat, helper and defender of mankindP
Zarekmay god protect the king
Zeliasemangat, antusiasme, zealP
Zenashadiah yupiter
Zetatempat yang tinggi
Zevapedang, swordP
Zoekehidupan, lifeP
Zoiekehidupan, lifeP
Zorafajar, subuh, dawnP